Our Team
Meet our permanent employees and volunteer committees
Women in Governance’s activities are driven by a dynamic and committed permanent team, and supported by loyal and devoted volunteers who work in committees on the different aspects of our mission.
We take it to heart that our team reflects our core values of diversity and inclusion. As all studies have shown, a diversity of perspectives results in better financial performance, more innovation, and a more robust decision-making process throughout the organization. By applying this principle in which we sincerely believe, we ensure Women in Governance’s continued success!

Our team
is expanding!
No open position? Or it/they don’t suit you? You can still send us your resume at careers@womeningovernance.org
You want to join us in making a difference?
Get involved!
There are a number of ways you can support us:
Partners and Sponsors
You would like show your commitment to the advancement of women publicly and financially support our mission?
Become a partner or a sponsorVolunteers
You share our values and
would like to offer your time and know-how? Volunteer in a committee or at our events.