Women in Governance surpasses the significant milestone of 1,000,000 employees working for an organization holding its Parity Certification™
When it was launched in 2017, 17 esteemed organizations enrolled in the Parity Certification™. As of today, WiG has certified 123 organizations—including some of the most prestigious in the FP500—and the significant milestone of 1,000,000 employees in Canada and the United States working for a Parity certified organization has now been surpassed. These figures highlight […]
See all our newsSupporting parity in business: Women in Governance unveils Parity certified organizations
March 8, 2023
In 2022, a record number of 83 prestigious organizations have submitted their application to obtain WiG’s Parity CertificationTM and over 700,000 employees are now working for a Parity certified organization in Canada and the United States. To celebrate this remarkable success, WiG is hosting an official unveiling of these progressive organizations during a cocktail from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. tonight at the Ritz-Carlton, Montreal.
Women in Governance’s 2022 Annual Recognition Gala in Montreal to celebrate 64 prestigious organizations awarded its Parity Certification™
September 15, 2022
The 8th edition of Women in Governance’s (WiG) Annual Recognition Gala is being held today at Le Palais des congrès de Montréal to celebrate the largest cohort of renowned organizations to date to have been awarded its Parity Certification™—Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum level—recognizing their exceptional commitment to gender equity, diversity, and inclusion in the […]
Women in Governance’s Annual Recognition Gala was held in Toronto to celebrate prestigious organizations awarded its Parity Certification™
May 25, 2022
The 7th edition of Women in Governance’s (WiG) Annual Recognition Gala was held last night at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto, to celebrate the largest cohort of prestigious organizations to date to have been awarded its Parity CertificationTM—Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum level—recognizing their exceptional commitment to gender equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. This morning, […]
Research and Publications
See all our research and publicationsMettre fin au harcèlement en milieu de travail — Les affaires (*French*)
En ce qui concerne la diversité, et plus particulièrement les communautés LGBTQ+ (personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, trans, queers, et autres personnes de la diversité sexuelle et de genre), on a d’abord beaucoup parlé de tolérance, puis d’acceptation, et l’on parle désormais d’inclusion.
Read moreLa Gouvernance au Féminin pour la parité, la diversité et l’inclusion – Le Devoir (*French*)
Puisque La Gouvernance au Féminin était nommément citée dans la lettre ouverte « La naissance des “Girls Clubs” », publiée dans la rubrique Libre opinion le 22 octobre, nous estimons important de répondre à certaines des idées avancées par l’autrice, afin que notre organisme et son mandat soient bien compris.
Read morePress
See more press about usVers la parité : les entreprises avancent, mais le chemin est encore long — Conseiller (*French*)
September 29, 2023
En 2022, un nombre record de 83 entreprises issues de divers secteurs ont obtenu la Certification Parité de l’organisme Gouvernance au Féminin, qui a souligné leurs réalisations lors de son récent Gala de reconnaissance, à Montréal. En comparaison, au lancement en 2017, seulement 17 entreprises avaient été certifiées. Toutefois, malgré cette avancée, l’égalité au sein […]
Read moreParité en gouvernance: vous êtes loin du compte — Les Affaires (*French*)
September 25, 2023
Pour la première fois depuis 2017, plus de 90 entreprises canadiennes obtiendront la Certification Parité décernée par l’organisme Gouvernance au Féminin. Bien qu’elles soient ravies par ce résultat, sa présidente fondatrice Caroline Codsi et sa vice-présidente stratégie, Negar Haghighat, savent qu’elles ont encore du pain sur la planche.
Read moreOntario employer achieves gender parity certification in construction industry — Human Resources Director Canada
July 5, 2023
One Ontario-based employer recently became the first in the construction industry to achieve parity certification from Women in Governance.
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Women in Governance is a non-profit organization supporting women in their career advancement and organizations striving to close the gender gap in the workplace.
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